Friday, 14 August 2015

My Summer Favourites So Far...

I've decided to re-vamp my blog a little, as it's something I really want to get into more and after watching Alfie Deyes' 90 day challenge this was the first thing that sprung to mind!
After having a little think I chose to do a blog post on my Summer Favourites, I was going to make a video but I don't really have a spare week and I also think that this is a good post to start this back off!
So I'm going to start off with some beauty favourites, because they're my overall general life favourites!
So my ultimate makeup favourite this month has definitely been eyeshadow, as I haven't been at school recently, I've had a lot of time to experiment with different colours. I bought myself a sleek palette, something that I'd wanted for ages. This is the Au Natural palette, my favourite colours are Toast (Top Right) and Moss (Second on the Left on the bottom Row) This was only £8 and definitely worth the money! 
I've also really been loving not wearing foundation, but my skin isn't perfect so I've been using a higher coverage concealer, the Collection Lasting Perfection in the Shade 3, Medium, I love it! However it's a little too dark for me now as when I bought it I clearly had more of a tan!
Finally (in this picture) I re-discovered the Benefit They're real, and as I have an eye makeup remover that can bring it off properly now (as I had simple I struggled getting it all off) I really like it and it definitley is one of my favourite high end mascara's, I have three! Oops:) 

Starting with the picture on the Top Left, I've really been enjoying Lush this summer, as they've released a whole new range as they brought out their Oxford Street Range, originally exclusive to Oxford Street (which I was lucky enough to visit and I can say is HUGEE!) However now has been brought to all stores, The two in this picture are the Bath Bomb 'Intergalactic' and the Bubble Bar 'Big Bang' that make the best combination together to make the Bath the most vivid shade of Blue!
The Skirt in the next picture is my favourite item of clothing this month, it's nothing particularly exciting as it's only from Primark, but this looks so nice with a plain white top and as it's summer I'm slightly tanned it looks really nice with tanned legs. I think this would also look amazing on a beach somewhere, but if you dress it up with heels it's also quite going out-y
As for skincare, my favourites at the moment is the Clinique Take the Day off Eye Makeup remover, this literally takes off everything, literally any eye makeup, it's more of an oil then a liquid and I think that's why it works so well! I've also really been loving the Simple Clenser and Toner, they where actually the first two I've tried and I can't see myself ever changing it up! They're amazing:)
The last image are my lip favourites, I've been loving these two together! The lipstick is the YSL in Number 17, Rose Dahlia, and the lipgloss is Urban Decay Naked in the colour Sesso, these two together make such a gorgeous orange based pink colour which I think goes perfectly for summer and also matches the skirt really well! 
These are just my random favourites of the Summer, The Body Wash if by The Body Shop, in the Scent (is that what you'd call it) Satsuma, and I'm not always the biggest fan of Orange, but I love this! It's so summery and perfect, when I get in the shower it smells like Hawaii (not that I've ever been, but how I imagine it to smell) it's also really moisturising!
The necklace and sunglasses are just accessories, also from Primark, I spoke about them in a Haul Video of mine a while back so I won't go on, but I just think the necklace is so pretty and adds detail to any plain top, which I really like, I also love how it's not too over the top. The sunglasses where a brave buy for me, as I didn't know how well I could pull of circular sunglasses without just looking like either Harry Potter or John Lennon, but I actually really like how they look and Primark Sunglasses are soooo affordable!
Finally, the Nail Varnish is by BarryM in the Shade 'Mediterranean' which changes between Pink and Gold in different lights, this is just the final add to any outfit and I love how shiny and gliterry it looks yet still feeling smooth! BarryM is always a win for nail varnish 
That's basically everything, I'm sorry if that feels sort of rushed but I didn't want to go on and on haha. Let me know in the comments or on my Instagram what you think of me restarting my blog up!
I'll be sure to see you all soon!
Much love, Molly x