Hi Guys!
It's been a while, as I'm sure you're all aware, but I wanted to start this blog up again and actually keep on top of it because blogging is something I love doing, it's just finding the time.
So as I'm sure many of you guys are aware last week I went to New York City and it was honestly one of the best weeks of my life! I had such a good time, I saw so many amazing and moving things and I'd do it all again without thinking about it.
This post isn't going to have a deep and thoughtful meaning, I just wanted to share my experience with you guys on the internet in a way that wasn't a video or an instagram post, so I thought back to my blog and well that's what I'm doing!
So I was out and about on the streets of Manhattan for six days, and in those six days I took a considerable amount of photos, I'm not going to share them all with you, or I'd probably double the capacity of the internet, I'll just show you my favourites:
These are just a couple of my favourites!
Whilst I was there I learned a lot, and not specifically educational, it's a different lifestyle completely over there, especially compared to me who lives in a tiny town in suburban England, it was a really different way of life and I loved it! So to anyone reading out there in the US, believe me when I say you do it different over there (you definitely do pancakes better!!) But I had such an amazing week and I really want to share that with the internet, whether you care or not, because I think blogging and youtube is an amazing way to look back on the best memories, because often the best memories are the ones you don't know you're making!
Whilst I was there I learned a lot, and not specifically educational, it's a different lifestyle completely over there, especially compared to me who lives in a tiny town in suburban England, it was a really different way of life and I loved it! So to anyone reading out there in the US, believe me when I say you do it different over there (you definitely do pancakes better!!) But I had such an amazing week and I really want to share that with the internet, whether you care or not, because I think blogging and youtube is an amazing way to look back on the best memories, because often the best memories are the ones you don't know you're making!
So I'll see you around very soon chums!
M x
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